Executive Career Portfolios
At The Imagemakers, Ink!™ LLC, we provide you with the ultimate, cutting edge tool in your job search "personal marketing" arsenal so you can acquire your next position faster and easier.
Our Web Portfolios deliver you a distinct, tangible advantage over your competition by virtue of their unique, sophisticated and contemporary approach to delivering your profile, accomplishments, work history, education and other relevant information to decision makers, hiring authorities, executives and recruiters.
Created using the latest web development technologies (HTML5 and CSS3), our web portfolios enable you to take full advantage of all the ways that a potential employer, decision maker or recruiter might choose to view your resume including not only desktop and laptop computers, but tablets and mobile devices as well.
Please explore our theme gallery and pricing then give us a call at 800-546-1543 to see how our web portfolios can help you transition to a new position in less time than you ever thought possible.