Executive Career Portfolio Pricing
Base Portfolio - 1499
Our base portfolio is 4-5 pages including your career history, education, and downloads pages. The first two pages should ideally be "profile" and "accomplishments" (as in our sample portfolio) but may vary depending on your resume's format and how it's sections are named. Any professionally written resume will have this information and we'll work with you on the naming of those first one or two pages of the portfolio.
Additonal Pages - 195
Additional pages could include graphics (charts, graphs and other data driven infographics) or additional text pages.
Hosting - FREE For Life
Hosting on our domain (www.executivecareerportfolios/your_name_here) is FREE. If you'd like to use your own domain name and/or hosting, give us a call to find out how we can help you accomplish that.
Call 800-546-1543 Now For More Information!